popt | Command line option parsing library | |
poxml | Translates DocBook XML files using gettext po files | |
prcs | Project Revision Control System | |
ProjectCenter | GNUstep Integrated Development Environment | |
protobuf | Google protocol buffers | |
protobuf-c | Protocol Buffers implementation in C | |
pstreams | POSIX Process Control in C++ | |
psvn | Subversion interface for Emacs | |
pth | GNU Portable Thread library | |
pthread-sem | Semaphore implementation for (PTH) pthreads | |
ptlib | Portable Windows Libary | |
pvs | The PVS Specification and Verification System | |
pwlib | Portable Windows Library | |
py-absl-py | Abseil Python Common Libraries | |
py-aiofiles | File support for asyncio | |
py-angr | Platform-agnostic binary analysis framework | |
py-anytree | Powerful and Lightweight Python Tree Data Structure | |
py-apipkg | Namespace control and lazy-import mechanism | |
py-appdirs | Module for determining appropriate, platform-specific dirs | |
py-archinfo | Classes with architecture-specific information | |
py-argcomplete | Bash tab completion for argparse | |
py-argh | Unobtrusive argparse wrapper with natural syntax | |
py-argparse | Easy, declarative interface for creating command line tools | |
py-args | Command Arguments for Humans | |
py-astor | Read/rewrite/write Python ASTs | |
py-astroid | Rebuild a new abstract syntax tree from Python's ast | |
py-async_generator | Async generators and context managers for Python 3.5+ | |
py-async-timeout | Timeout context manager for asyncio programs | |
py-asyncpg (V) | Asyncio PosgtreSQL driver | |
py-at-spi | Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface | |
py-at-spi2 | Python Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface | |
py-atomicwrites | Python module for atomic file writes on POSIX | |
py-atpublic | @public decorator for Python | |
py-attrs | Attributes without boilerplate | |
py-automat | Self-service finite-state machines for the programmer on the go | |
py-autopep8 | Automatic formatter of Python code to conform to PEP 8 | |
py-babel | Collection of tools for internationalizing Python applications | |
py-backcall | Specifications for callback functions passed in to an API | |
py-backports | Namespace for backported Python features | |
py-backports_abc | Backport of recent additions to the 'collections.abc' module | |
py-backports.functools_lru_cache | Backport of functools.lru_cache from Python 3.3 | |
py-backports.shutil_get_terminal_size | Backport of the get_terminal_size function from Python 3.3's shutil | |
py-bcolz | Columnar and compressed data containers | |
py-behave | Behaviour-driven development | |
py-binaryornot | Guess whether a file is binary or text | |
py-blessings | Thin, practical wrapper around terminal | |
py-blinker | Fast, simple object-to-object and broadcast signaling | |
py-boost | Free, peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries (Boost.Python binary library) | |
py-bugzilla | Bugzilla XMLRPC access module | |
py-buildbot | Continuous integration system | |
py-buildbot-console-view | Waterfall Plugin for the buildbot CI system | |
py-buildbot-grid-view | Grid View Plugin for the buildbot CI system | |
py-buildbot-pkg | Packaging tools for the buildbot CI system | |
py-buildbot-waterfall-view | Waterfall Plugin for the buildbot CI system | |
py-buildbot-worker | Worker for the buildbot CI system | |
py-buildbot-www | Web frontend for the buildbot CI system | |
py-cached-property | Decorator for caching properties in classes | |
py-cachetools | Extensible memoizing collections and decorators | |
py-capstone | Python bindings for capstone | |
py-case | Python unittest utilities | |
py-cffi | Foreign Function Interface for Python calling C code | |
py-chai | Easy to use mocking, stubbing and spying framework | |
py-characteristic | Python attributes without boilerplate | |
py-checker | Python code checker | |
py-cheetah | Python-powered template engine and code-generator | |
py-cle | CLE Loads Everything (at least, many binary formats!) | |
py-click | Simple wrapper around optparse for powerful command line utilities | |
py-click-log | Logging integration for Click | |
py-click-threading | Multithreaded Click apps made easy | |
py-clickclick | Click utility functions | |
py-clint | Python Command-line Application Tools | |
py-codestyle | Python style guide checker | |
py-cogapp | Code generator for executing Python snippets in source files | |
py-compizconfig | Python bindings for libcompizconfig | |
py-configargparse | Argparse-like with config files or environment variables support | |
py-configobj | Config file reading, writing and validation | |
py-configparser | Updated configparser from Python 3.5 | |
py-constantly | Symbolic constants in Python | |
py-constants | Simple way to deal with environment constants | |
py-construct | Powerful declarative parser for binary data | |
py-contextlib2 | Backports and enhancements for the contextlib module | |
py-cookiecutter | Command-line utility that creates projects from project templates | |
py-coverage | Python module that measures code coverage for Python | |
py-cparser | C parser in Python | |
py-crayons | Colored string formatting for the terminal | |
py-cubes | Lightweight framework for Online Analytical Processing | |
py-curses | Curses module for Python | |
py-cursespanel | Curses panel module for Python | |
py-curtsies | Curses-like terminal wrapper, with colored strings | |
py-cxfreeze (V) | Freezing python scripts into executables | |
py-cyordereddict | Cython implementation of Python's collections.OrderedDict | |
py-cython | C-Extensions for Python | |
py-d2to1 | Allows using distutils2-like setup.cfg files package's metadata | |
py-daemon | Library to implement a well-behaved Unix daemon process | |
py-daemonize | Library for writing system daemons in Python | |
py-darcsver | Generate a version number from darcs history | |
py-dash | Python utility libraries for doing stuff in a functional way | |
py-ddt | Data-Driven/Decorated Tests | |
py-decorator | Generic Python decorator utilities | |
py-deprecation | Library to handle automated deprecations |